'If you have knowledge let others light their candles in it.' 

Margeret Fuller ~ 1880's American Journalist   


Satirical Definitions - please click on a letter to be taken straight there 

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W x Y Z


Activated Charcoal - A form of carbon that has large pores used for absorption or chemical reactions.  Can be used in products for wellness such as, activated charcoal toothpaste, binchotan water filter sticks, skin products and stomach pains. 


B Corp - Business certification created by B Lab. To be certified companies must adhere to standards of social, environmental consciousness, accountability and transparency. 

Breakroom - A place to blow off steam and smash things. Great way to release stress.

Bidet - A cleaning extension or self standing cleaning extension for use after doing number 2s. Common in some European countries, japan and India.


Cuddle Party - The importance of human touch. Need a cuddle find your nearest cuddle party! 


Downcycling - Recycling materials to make something of substandard quality. i.e plastic bottles. 


Eco-luxe - Traditionally ecologically friendly and luxury, were a contradiction in terms.   Trends and shifts are changing, sustainable, ethical and conscious living are in and excess consumption are out. Luxury redefined for conscious consumers. 


Furoshiki - The Japanese art of material wrapping. The original eco-friendly wrapping. 


Greenwashing - Businesses and companies that claim certain 'green' principles without quantifiable evidence. Greenwashing is often considered a marketing stunt.  


Hygge -  A word to describe a warm and fuzzy feeling in a moment. Often we can not directly translate words to other languages and this Danish word doesn’t have an exact translation. It’s a cross between, cosy, comfort, happiness ,security and simplicity wrapped up in one. 


Ikigai - A Japanese word that centres about someone's purpose or reason for being. 


Jerusalem Artichoke - Not an artichoke at all, this under utilized vegetable looks like ginger but is a root vegetable like a potato.  It's delicious roasted. 


Kamut - Also known as Khorasan wheat or Oriental wheat. An ancient grain twice the size of modern day wheat. It has a buttery and nutty flavour.  

Kvass - A fermented drink made in soviet and Slavic countries made with beetroot or dark breads. 

KonMari Methos - Organising and simplifying your home using a method by Marie Kondo. 'Tideiness is a way of everyday living'.



Lacto-fermentation - Fermentation using cultures in this instance using good bacteria LactobacillusL

Lagom - Scandinavian buzz word meaning ‘ not to much, not to little - just right. It professes restraint, moderation and practicality in all you do.  I.e waste less, buy less, live with less, slow done and be kind to yourself.  

Luggy - Luggy is a buggy made by Olli Ella. A basket on wheels, perfect for a market.


Meditation - Open - minded, still and mindful - what comes to mind when I think of meditation. 


Naturopathy - A complementary therapy or medicine that is centered around the idea of self-healing. A combination of holistic advice by a practitioner on nutrition, lifestyle, homeopathy natural medicine, nutritional medicine etc.  


Oxygen Therapy - A complementary therapy using a hyperbaric chamber designed to heal and assist the body naturally with 100% oxygen 


Petrolatum - A mixture of hydrocarbonates commonly called Petroleum Jelly. Most commonly known as Vaseline and used in some cosmetic products. Varying views of its safety and toxicity. 

Plogging - Combining running and collecting rubbish. - An environmental warrior runner.


Qi Gong - Gentle movements that focus on breathing originating from China. 


Reiki - A complementary health practice that is centered around 'energy', originating from Japan 


Slow Food - The opposite to 'fast food'  As well as being a global organisation with local sunsideries, 'slow food' is a term used to describe food created in a traditional way, using agricultural products. 

Social Enterprise - Organisations that use commercial profits to improve social issues and improve and benefit communities.

Shinrin-Yoku - Japanese term referring to a leisurely walk among trees or forests for preventative health care and healing..


Tussar Silk - Produced by silk worms from South Asia. The silk worms feed off of oak trees. 

Teff - The new Quinoa'  now seen on mainstream supermarket shelves. Used widely in africa. It may be small but a good way to change up the carbohydrate portion of your meal.


Upcycling -  Making use of matierals for an alternative use to what they were orginally created for, that would have ordinarily been discarded.  


Vegan - A person or practice that does not consume or use animal products. 


Wellness - The opposite of being ill. Wellness or being healthy is such a very subjective term. Degrees of wellness does  


Xinomavro - Grape variety from Macedonia used for making red wine. Yes Macedonia! 


Yoga - Maybe the question is not, what yoga is, but rather how many types are there? From A to Y. Anusara to Yin. 

Yûgen - A Japanese word meaning 'deap'. It is also a concept in aesthetics that encombases a deep emotional awareness for the of the universe.


Zen - The origins of the word have many claims, but the principles all surround; Mind, breath, meditation, awareness and energy. 

Note: These are satirical definitions